
Speech and Language Therapy

Helping Tiny Talkers

Therapy where it works best for you

What services do you provide?

Isabella specializes in children ages 12 months - 7 years old.


Steps to services

Speech Therapy and Parent Coaching

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) therapy

What is CAS?

CAS is a speech sound disorder due to difficulty with planning and programming movement sequences, resulting in speech prosody and sound production errors. This means that although a child with CAS may know what they want to say, their mouth may not move the way it needs to in order to say words clearly. Therefore, therapy should focus on the movement of the articulators in a variety of syllable shapes rather than individual sounds. Isabella implements evidence-based motor speech therapy for kiddos with CAS or suspected CAS. 

Babbles to Speech: Caregiver and Me Class

A caregiver and me course for toddlers ages 11-26 months (and late talkers). The first PROACTIVE course for families to facilitate speech and language development. This evidence-based, caregiver and me course will provide you with the tools to assist your child in meeting their developmental milestones and reduce anticipating their needs.

Connect through play

Play-based therapy and learning handouts

why speech therapy looks like just playing, supportive Speech therapy.pdf
play based learning, supportive speech therapy.pdf
ASL SIGNS handout, supportive speech therapy (1).pdf
Celebrate differences supportive speech therapy coloring pages, 2023 (1).pdf

Speech therapy services available: Portsmouth, Middletown, Newport, RI

Phone: (401) 472-4991


Follow me on Instagram: @supportive_speechtherapy
